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Logotipo de deslizar páginas
Swipe Pages
Crie landing pages de alta conversão em minutos
por deslizar páginas
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Críticas de páginas deslizantes e detalhes do produto

Visão geral das páginas deslizantes
O que é deslizar páginas?

Swipe Pages é um construtor de páginas de destino de arrastar e soltar baseado em nuvem que se concentra na criação fácil de páginas móveis aceleradas (AMP) para aumentar as taxas de conversão. A plataforma promete taxas de rejeição mais baixas, classificação mais alta entre as pesquisas em dispositivos móveis e menor custo por clique. Embora ofereça mais de 40 modelos e mais de 25 módulos de design avançados, o Swipe Pages afirma que está longe de ser genérico e ressalta sua capacidade de fornecer sites visualmente atraentes e propositais sem a necessidade de um designer profissional ou desenvolvedor web. Há um banco de dados abrangente de ativos de design para escolher – mais de 1 milhão de imagens de banco de imagens, mais de 8,000 ícones e mais de 1,000 fontes. Posicionado como o construtor de página de destino para profissionais de marketing orientados ao ROI, o Swipe Pages também possui uma série de funcionalidades focadas em conversão, como testes A/B, análises integradas, integrações diretas e habilitadas para Zapier e texto dinâmico para mensagens personalizadas.

Empresa Deslizar páginas
Ano fundado 2019
Tamanho da empresa funcionários 2-10
Sede Desconhecido
Redes sociais
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Detalhes do produto de páginas deslizantes
Negócio pequeno
mercado médio
desenvolvimento Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web
Suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana (representante ao vivo), bate-papo, e-mail/Help Desk, perguntas frequentes/fórum, base de conhecimento, suporte por telefone
Training Documentação
Idiomas Inglês
Prós e contras de deslizar páginas
  • Páginas de destino rápidas e otimizadas para dispositivos móveis para ajudar a reduzir as taxas de rejeição
  • Integrações de comércio eletrônico com Stripe e Paypal
  • Preço acessível com alta usage limites
  • Poderia vir com mais modelos
  • O construtor leva algum tempo para se acostumar
  • Poderia ter mais integrações diretas
Prêmios de deslizar páginas
Findstack Distintivo Geral 2024
Recursos de deslizar páginas
Arrastar e soltar
Integração de comércio eletrônico
Teste A / B
Web Analytics
Biblioteca de Conteúdos
Integração de domínio
Personalização avançada
móvel Responsive
Integrações de email marketing
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Nossa pesquisa é selecionada a partir de diversas fontes confiáveis ​​e tem como objetivo oferecer conselhos gerais. Não garantimos que nossas sugestões funcionarão melhor para cada caso de uso, portanto, considere suas necessidades exclusivas ao escolher produtos e serviços. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar seu retornos.
Última actualização: Maio 09, 2024
Logotipo de deslizar páginas
152 Swipe Pages Opinões
4.8 fora de 5
Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
02 fevereiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Nataliya B. avatar
Natália B.
"Uma plataforma versátil e poderosa"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

It has a very intuitive, beautiful UI. It's pages have a very up-to-date look and feel to them, which saves load of time and effort when building out a landing page.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

I wish it was easier to integrate with other platforms, but I do appreciate that most big playes are available already for integration. In addition, some gaps can be overcome with automation tools.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

The landing pages are beautiful. They are easy to build out and have all the necessary steps to lead to a call to action - to capture leads or even to an in-built e-commerce step.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
24 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Niko J. avatar
Nico J.
"Esta é uma das minhas ferramentas do Arsenal!"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

I recently discovered Swipe Pages, which has saved me so much time when creating landing pages. It is so easy to use, and I love how quickly I can customize and launch a new page. The interface is intuitive, and the templates are high-quality. I also appreciate the flexibility of adding my content, images and videos. Swipe Pages is an excellent tool for quickly creating beautiful landing pages with minimal effort!

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Maybe more in-depth analytics would be great for future updates like GTM parameters and other in-depth analytics without any third-party app. Other than that, I think I've got everything that works so great!

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I need a landing pages builder that is fast, ready to use and has good conversion. Since it really takes time to set up new hosting, domain and other things to activate the website itself, with Swipe Pages, i can make landing pages faster.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
03 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Stephen M.
Consultor de Marketing
"Construtor de landing page sólido e fácil de usar"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

Swipepages has a quick and easy-to-use interface. It is possibly one of the most intuitive and visually pleasing user interfaces for building stand-alone landing pages. The built-in AMP pages are a nice bonus as is the unique Swipepage landing pages that are designed to provide a swipable mobile experience.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Swipepages is great for individual landing pages, however the folder structure makes it difficult to manage and sort pages as part of a funnel. A funnel builder interface is on the development roadmap and should be rolling out soon. However, as of the date of posting this it is not in swiepages and would be a welcome addition in the future.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Swipepages helps us in three ways. 1. Quickly build visually pleasing landing pages 2. Provides an easy way to split-test and improve our landing page results 3. We have also built small websites entirely on Swipepages because of the quick setup and easy user interface

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
11 de Outubro, 2023
Classificação geral:
Periklis (Peri) P. avatar
Periklis (Peri) P.
Consultor de Tecnologia de Marketing
"Construtor de landing page ultrarrápido e 100% responsivo"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

- Intuitive interface - Integrates smoothly with the rest of the tech stack. never had to visit the docs section to a - Loading and UX is a major Conversion booster - Spot-on product road map, adding valuable futures rather frequently

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Should be more expensive, because it is definetly underpriced and it is allowing for more competition to access its benefits

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Eliminates the need for outsourcing, making it a cost-effective solution for our company and for added service for clients

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
28 de setembro de 2023
Classificação geral:
Nebu K.
Marketer Digital
"Ótimo construtor de landing page intuitivo"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

We were looking for a tool that could help us create landing pages with ease, and we found Swipepages. Swipepages is a simple and effective tool that will help you create high-converting landing pages without breaking a sweat. We love the user experience, interface and the fact that the development team is constantly working to improve the platform. A wonderful tool to have in our collection as an agency.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Nothing in particular, Overall the tool does what it's built for.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Building beautiful Landing Pages.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
04 de setembro de 2023
Classificação geral:
Scott H.
"Fácil de usar e desenvolvido ativamente"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

I have used about 5 other landing page builders over the past few years - won't write names here. Swipe Pages has become my go-to for building pages fast. First for me is active support - the few times I have asked they have responded quickly. Second is fast load speed for end user - without this there is no point and Swipe Pages from my testing is excellent for page load speed. I have not used funnels yet but hope to use that functionality in a new project soon. Thanks

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

The user interface can sometimes be a bit complex. Just need to take your time and work through things. I had a few 'how do I do this' moments - but worked it out in the end.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Instead of using wordpress to build landing pages I use Swipe Pages - this means I don't have a high technical load maintaining a wordpress site. Also I know pages coming out of Swipe Pages will load fast and I don't have to do anything for that to happen.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 05, 2023
Classificação geral:
David P. avatar
David P.
Consultor de Marketing
"Excelente construtor de landing page para PPC"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

I find it easy to get landing pages up and running quickly, but I can also create advanced designs and add custom CSS to meet client brand guidelines. There are four responsive views (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile), so page designs can be perfectly tweaked for each screen size (unlike some other page builders, which only have desktop/mobile, or destop/tablet/mobile). Multivariate or A/B tests can be created with the click of a button, and the analytics to determine winners/losers are clear and simple to understand. My favourite feature is the "global blocks", which allow you to update templates across multiple pages simultaneously — it's a massive time-saver!

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

The caching is quite aggressive when previewing pages, so sometimes edits to a page aren't reflected immediately — but at least you know that the published pages are well cached.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Swipe Pages is my go-to when I need landing pages up and running quickly for my PPC clients. It's easy to create well-designed and high-converting pages that deliver results.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Junho 21, 2023
Classificação geral:
Piotr C. avatar
Piotr C.
O Criador
"Swipe Pages - é como se eles tivessem decifrado o código!"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

So, I've been tinkering with Swipe Pages, and I gotta say, it's pretty rad. It's like they've made creating landing pages a piece of cake. You can knock up a page in no time, and they load faster than a cheetah on a sugar rush! The user-friendliness of the product is a big win. As for integration, it was pretty straightforward. But the thing that really made my jaw drop? They've got this feature where you can make mobile versions of your pages that look like Instagram Stories. It's got a CTA that's always in sight, and it's something I haven't seen with any other tool. This feature is a real standout!

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Now, it's not all sunshine and roses. Hooking up your own domain can be a bit of a headache if you're not a tech whizz. But they've got a guide that breaks it down for you, so it's not a biggie. I think they could make this process a bit simpler.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

It's significantly reducing the time and effort required to create effective landing pages. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, being able to quickly launch landing pages is crucial. With Swipe Pages, we can create and launch pages in a fraction of the time it used to take. Another problem Swipe Pages is addressing is the challenge of mobile optimization. With more and more people using their mobile devices to browse the web, having mobile-optimized landing pages is a must. Swipe Pages' unique feature of creating mobile versions of pages in a Story format is a game-changer. It not only enhances the mobile user experience but also keeps the call-to-action (CTA) in constant view, which can lead to higher conversion rates. Swipe Pages has been a valuable tool for our business, helping us to create effective landing pages quickly and efficiently, and providing unique features that enhance user engagement and conversion.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
14 de maio de 2023
Classificação geral:
Leni N.
Engenheiro de Software
"A melhor plataforma de landing pages que já usei"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

How great the pages look and how fast they load.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Nothing that I dislike really, but the visual editor could use some small improvements.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Swipe pages help us run all landing pages we use in our marketing campaigns separate from our main website, which gives us great flexibility and unparalleled performance. All our landing pages load in a second flat (or less).

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
29 de abril, 2023
Classificação geral:
Rick H.
"Uma virada de jogo para páginas de destino!"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

The funnel building capabilities, the ability to A/B split test everything, that you can accept payments with Stripe pretty much instantly, the ability to add scripts GLOBALLY throughout your funnels - it's a perfect all-in-one system for running your marketing funnels!

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

Minor UI glitches when building pages, but nothing that ever prevented us from creating highly engaging pages. I know they're constantly pushing updates and improvements, so I can't say I dislike anything!

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

My team has been using Swipe Pages for a few years, and I can't recommend it enough! It's been our go-to landing page builder funnels, PPC campaign landing pages, and pretty much THE way to quickly iterate and launch new promos for our clients & products. 💰 It's INCREDIBLY easy to use. Plus the modern, clean templates they offer, a no-brainer. Easy to customize and use. I've used over 20 page builders and nothing compares. One of the features I really love is the "funnel building" system - it's a lifesaver whenever we need to quickly launch a new product or flow. Plus, their lightning-fast load times keep my visitors happy and engaged. Super easy to set up. 😎 The responsive support for desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile make it easy to create pixel-perfect designs for every screen size. Super easy to customize, helps you save a LOT of time. And let's not forget about the fantastic support team - they're always there to help when I need it via live chat. Don't sleep on it, give it a try - you'll LOVE it! 💎

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
04 de abril, 2023
Classificação geral:
Yatin M. avatar
Yatina M.
"O melhor entre todos"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

contemporary, mobile first, speed optimized, conversion focused designs along with a support that goes above & beyond. Found it better than Unbounce, Instapage, Leadpages, Clickfunnels.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

They should consider releasing more number of niche specific landing pages.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Landing page design

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
20 de março de 2023
Classificação geral:
Clemente W. avatar
Clemente W.
"Criar páginas de destino e páginas temporárias rapidamente"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

Swipe pages is just dead simple to use. It's intuitive and the user interface is actually WYSIWYG compared to some others I've tried that have minor or major differences when you actually publish the pages. I like how it's really easy to create templates making our application in building landing and squeeze pages for our physical products very easy. Pages are also FAST - again compared to some competing products ahem, ClickFunnels, on mobile and desktop which is critical for conversions.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

I've had some technical issues around tables but customer support has been fairly responsive in either explaining how to get around the issue or actually fixing it. I've been pretty pleased with customer service for this reason.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I want something easy to use, displays fast and is easy to make visually appealing. Swipe pages outperforms in each of these categories. We use this primarily for landing pages where we direct people to either our site or Amazon.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
13 fevereiro de 2023
Classificação geral:
Igor S.
"Rápido e confiável"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

I have used Swipe Pages to create landing pages that have been a huge success for my business. It is very easy to use and is a great way to create landing pages from scratch. My team is able to create landing pages on the go with just a few clicks of a button. This is a great tool for marketers who want to create professional landing pages quickly.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

I would like to have South America payment integrations like mercado pago and pagseguro.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Creating landing pages quickly.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
02 fevereiro de 2023
Classificação geral:
Eric F. avatar
Érico F.
Estratégia De Aquisição De Leads Par Le Seo/Sea/Cro/Sxo
"INCRÍVEL!!! A melhor ferramenta que já usei"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

I've subscribed to Swipe Pages shortly after their launch, and I've always been very impressed by : - Builder : SUPER easy to use, straight to the point, I've never had a bug (I built around 50 pages) - Performance : Score A each time on GT Metrix, even for a solid & long page - Features : I found almost all I needed to build my landing pages. Either design, frontend or backend (webhooks to connect any CRM/automation software) - Roadmap : Swipepages has always adapted to changes (ie AMP, or slides for social media ads, etc...) and has a solid roadmap still to come - Support : For the questions I've had, the support has always be very reactive and efficient (no need to rephrase my problem/need for them to understand) I've tried many builders (Fastpages, Converdy, etc...) but this one is one big step ahead !

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

You may sometimes need a special feature that is not included in Swipe pages. In this case, you will have to write a custom code (JS or HTML), but this will deteriorate performances. Eventually, creating an email template for submitted forms would be appreciated

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

When creating new Ads campaigns, I always use Swipepages : I start by creating a landing page with an AB test. Ideally, I make the copywriting so that I can use Dynamic text, and I need to create only 1 page for an Ad group with different keywords. Then I make the version B. And I start my continuous improvement : after a while, loser version is deactivated and I create a version C to challenge version B, and so on.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
28 de janeiro de 2023
Classificação geral:
Md. R. avatar
Gerente sênior
"One of the best Landing Page Builder in the market"
O que você mais gosta no Swipe Pages?

Swipe Pages is a very user-friendly landing page builder that any beginner can use. Yet it is a very powerful landing page builder with fast loading time, reliable hosting and many templates. The performance of sites built with Swipe pages is excellent.

O que você não gosta no Swipe Pages?

I love Swipe Pages. But would like to see some improvements in analytics. The funnel is in the roadmap. I am eagerly waiting for it.

Que problemas o Swipe Pages está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Swipe Pages is a super fast landing page builder. Because of the speed, google likes pages built with Swipe Pages. So we are getting benefitted with more customers.

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