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Logotipo da OVHcloud
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Avaliações e detalhes do produto OVHcloud

Visão geral da OVHcloud
O que é OVHcloud?

A OVHcloud oferece uma ampla gama de soluções que incluem VPS (servidores virtuais privados) confiáveis, servidores dedicados (incluindo servidores de armazenamento, servidores de jogos, servidores empresariais e outros), instâncias de nuvem pública, planos de hospedagem web e nomes de domínio – para citar alguns. As soluções da empresa se destacam por serem opções escaláveis, ideais para pequenas e médias empresas, com recursos robóticos que podem acomodar as necessidades de grandes empresas.

Sobre Grupo OVH SAS
Ano fundado 1999
Tamanho da empresa funcionários 1001-5000
Sede Roubaix, França
Mídia social
Categorias OVHcloud ativadas Findstack
Logotipo Crevio
$ 29.00 / mês
Crevio é uma plataforma para criadores venderem produtos digitais, serviços, cursos e acesso a outros terceiros... Saiba mais sobre Crevio
Tire dúvidas sobre a OVHcloud
Para que serve a OVHcloud?
Como se compara a OVHcloud com Bluehost?
Quais são os prós e os contras da OVHcloud?
Detalhes do produto OVHcloud
Negócio pequeno
mercado médio
desenvolvimento Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web
Suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana (representante ao vivo), bate-papo, e-mail/Help Desk, perguntas frequentes/fórum, base de conhecimento, suporte por telefone
Formação Documentação
Idiomas Inglês
Funcionalidades da OVHcloud
Acesso API
Programa de Afiliados
Renovação Automática
Gerenciamento de domínio em massa
Registro de domínio em massa
Servidores de nomes personalizados
Suporte ao Cliente
Gerenciamento de DNS
Leilão de Domínio
Pedido pendente de domínio
Alertas de expiração de domínio
Encaminhamento de domínio
Bloqueio de domínio
Proteção de privacidade de domínio
Revenda de domínio
Pesquisa de Domínios
Transferência de domínio
Encaminhamento de e-mail
Suporte a IDN (Nome de Domínio Internacionalizado)
Registro plurianual
Serviços de estacionamento
Credenciamento de registrador
Certificados SSL
Construtor de Sites
Gerenciamento de subdomínio
Variedade de TLD
Autenticação de dois fatores
Pesquisa de WHOIS
Integração de hospedagem na web
Mídia OVHcloud
OVHcloud 0
OVHcloud 1
OVHcloud 2
OVHcloud 3
OVHcloud 4
Capturas de tela da OVHcloud
Aviso Legal
Nossa pesquisa é selecionada a partir de diversas fontes confiáveis ​​e tem como objetivo oferecer conselhos gerais. Não garantimos que nossas sugestões funcionarão melhor para cada caso de uso, portanto, considere suas necessidades exclusivas ao escolher produtos e serviços. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar seu retornos.
Última actualização: Fevereiro 12, 2025
Logotipo da OVHcloud
67 OVHcloud Revisões
3.5 fora de 5
Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
Julho 04, 2023
Classificação geral:
Dama D. avatar
Dama D.
Líder Técnico Sênior
"OVHCloud Web Hosting & Domains - Méritos e Deméritos"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

OVHCloud provides sophisticated cloud services around the world. It has 30 OVHCloud datacentres that offer services, products and solutions to many clients in the best possible manner. It keeps user data very safe and its site looks very professional.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

OVHCloud website should be designed in such a manner to attract more customers. Also, workshops and kiosks should be set up in multiple locations across globe to grab more customers, increasing its revenue.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

OVHCloud allows many companies to host their websites, especially tech stacks, by ignoring space constraints. To date, it is serving 111 clients, namely Accenture, Labs, Marketplace, Platform, etc. It provides Anti-DDoS protection for avoiding attacks and threats. The customers have a provision for customizing rules through the control panel.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Junho 16, 2022
Classificação geral:
João O.
"OVH VPS - A melhor solução que encontrei!"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

In OVH we do have solutions for starting with our own VPS, and we can grow it as we need it! We're now planning on acquiring another VPS with 16 GB RAM and in 6 months (depending on Traffic we can upgrade it to 32GB RAM

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

In the beginning, the OVH Control Panel may be a little confusing but that's because they have a LOT of different Products (and that's a good thing) with time you get used to it and you'll find it's easier than it looks like!

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

We have had our VPS's for many years now, and usually, we have our VPS with Virtualmin / Webmin but now we're moving to an OVH Solution with Linux / Cpanel Licenses (30) so we can easily give access to our customers and give our sysadmin time to other jobs!

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Junho 14, 2022
Classificação geral:
Keith O. avatar
Keith O.
Consultor de TI
"Ótimo valor e desempenho"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Easy setup and a helpful knowledge base

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

THere is not a lot of things not to like about using OVH to be quite honest

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

I use their VPS to run monitoring server for my client networks and find them super efficient

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
24 fevereiro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Faruque H. avatar
Faruque H.
Técnico senior
"SSP orientado ao desempenho e ao cliente"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Of course performances, but not only. Open-minded advisors, technical reliability and financial simplicity too. Review collected by and hosted Of course performances, but not only

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

If you have to add small traffic sites, it needs discussion before getting the approval, but usually, the advisor takes into account the relationship. Review collected by and hosted

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

OVH have good performances on medium-size publishers too. Second, because I never had troubles with the district: technical trouble, out of service trouble or malware trouble. Last but not least, I never had financial issues with the district too. I mean that several SSP pays strongly in late, some others have regular technical issues with European wire transfers (and so I need to involve my bank which is time consuming). OVH is an automated process which had never failed. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Sharethrough is an easy to deploy performant SSP. It manages several common formats and famous advertisers are using Recommendations to others considering the product: First for performances: on my premium brands, OVH is the top performer.

Mercado Médio (51-1000 emp.)
21 fevereiro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Andres A. avatar
Andrés A.
Desenvolvedor de Software Python
"Melhores servidores dedicados de baixo preço"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

OVH has the best low pricing dedicated servers in all the market,it is easy to use and i never had any problems with any VPS or dedicated servers at OVH in Canada or EEUU Datacenter.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

One thing that I don't like very much in OVH services is that if you want to have servers across EEUU and Canada Datacenter, you need to login into two different portals and you can't manage all the servers in all places like other providers.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

Because of COVID-19 we were looking for dedicated servers that can handle hundreds of connected users at the same time using the software for online classes BigBlueButton.

Mercado Médio (51-1000 emp.)
12 Agosto, 2020
Classificação geral:
Prasanthi R.
"Ovh Cloud excelente software."
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

I like it is software in a large proportion, it has given me a quite unique experience according to its peculiar workings that it fundamentally offers, one of them is its great ability to handle data sources created by this same software, offering information in massive quantities , underlining that its user interface is quite novel and fresh in relation to the dynamics of design and real images of what they are able to do beneficially for any organization, being a quite striking point from my perspective.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

Mainly we can see that this software does not have a customer service in a very adequate way that we describe, since they take too long to answer users with problems with their system and they do not take charge of solving these problems considered of high magnitude, since they do not offer an effective service for the operators that use this software, mentioning that apart from the fact that they are delayed to satisfy these unknowns, sometimes they do not usually give any answer, being a great disadvantage.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

We use OVH Cloud since it offers a large source of data created by this same software, we use it mainly so that it designs and creates high-end technological servers, in order to have a greater scope when referring to income, since this It allows us to have resources to access these possibilities for job growth, including offering us maximum security data protection for each of our potential clients, which is paramount in terms of priority for the company.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
26 Novembro, 2018
Classificação geral:
Dmitry U.
Gerente de Projetos na Mega Index
"VPS para SaaS"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

I like the fact that I can install CentOS myself and fully configure it. The best price in comparison with competitors. Good support. I use the services and If you use, you will be charged tax when paying for services. But you can not pay VAT, if you contact support.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

I do not like the fact that I can not choose different IP for their sites. For example, I need a US IP address. Also, I would like to easily change the IP address for my server. Also, I can pay Paypal only if my account is registered on I cannot pay by Paypal if my account is registered on the website. I would also like to be able to buy IP. For example, on my server there are 10 sites. I want each site to have a different IP. I am willing to pay money for this service. I would also like to be able to increase the amount of RAM on my server, without buying a separate VPS. Now I can not do this and I do not like it. Also, I do not like that there is no way to pay via Webmoney.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

I deploy MVP versions of my startups. Of the advantages: - Excellent UPTIME; - Full control; - Price.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 13, 2018
Classificação geral:
Aaron M.
"Soluções sólidas de servidor"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

I like the pricing structure and automated back up systems. The UI is fairly easy to use and they are improving it all the time. There VPS severs run pretty smooth and with little down time. Customer suport is easy to get with the option of email, phone and ticket system

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

If there is a problem with a sever they dont assist you very well so its not a service for people not so used to servers. If you want to close a sever you have to wait till the end of the month and just stop paying for it. There is no way to manually cancel a service.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

The company wanted a service that offered good sized servers with fixed prices and good backup systems. OVH have many soloutuins to fit all types of needs from VPS to dedicated servers.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
27 de abril, 2018
Classificação geral:
L3 Dlp L.
Cto e cofundador
"Meu parceiro mais antigo na web"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Good prices and good values. API-centric management platform. Support staff understands technical issues. Full bandwidth by default.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

No real problem. They smartly manage their growth. Keep up the good work!

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

OVH is my oldest partner on web. And I handled numerous web projects. We met in 2003, after 5 years managing our physical web servers on a University network line. I chose OVH for the same values they're in 15 years later: technical intelligence on board, even on phone :) ... and they are GPRD-friendly from the beginning.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
10 de janeiro de 2018
Classificação geral:
Josué F.
“Melhor relação custo x benefício – 100% recomendado”
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

The best thing about ovh is the cost of services, there is no company with which you can compare the costs they offer. We have been working with ovh since 2011 and the benefits we have achieved have really been great. They are quite responsible for the contract, if something happens that is outside the contract they apply the SLA and they compensate you for the damages caused. The range of products offered are quite varied in the web and basically cover all fields, from a load balancer to a simple hosting for people. Its Virtual Datacenter platform is super complete and all its products are self-managing in a simple way.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

What has always worried me a bit about ovh is the support, they have been characterized by offering an automation to 1000% I imagine to try to give full responsibility to the contractor, However they have a product that is premium technical support with the that you receive immediate technical support in several ways, is the one I recommend, otherwise, you would have to use the ticket system and just wait for answers.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

- Improve service costs that is really important when planning the budget. - Complete automation to solve any problem ourselves. - I avoid problems of overload with all the infrastructures that I use of ovh. - I have a lot of products in one place.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
12 de Outubro, 2017
Classificação geral:
Nixon M.
Desenvolvedor web
"Muito produtivo"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

The Ux/Ui is very nice, not has hiden things or tricky proceeds, excellent platform, with not downtime troubles!... and his API is helpfull in CI/CD enviroments

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

maybe the collorsof the UI, some are to strongs, and can be really tricky, the platform, anything to sat, is excellent!

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

i mostly used to diferent clients, in diferent needs

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
14 de março de 2016
Classificação geral:
Rafael L.
Desenvolvedor Ruby
"experiência agradável"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Easy to buy, Effortless setup. Flexible solution for small and medium companies. You can always change plan. Quite cheap VPS with upgrade plan, so you can start very low and buy more powerful solution when you really need it. Easy to use and readable config panel. Fast and easy domain migrating to OVH from other provider. Low annual cost for domain. Support for new domain extensions such a .xxx or .cloud. Localized landing pages for customers.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

A lot of user documentation is in french. They are slowly port that to english.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

Not provided

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 21, 2015
Classificação geral:
Shawn P.
Co fundador
"Ótimo fornecedor bare metal para nosso SaaS"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

We love the straight forward pricing and features and the OVH network is rock solid

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

We have an issue with the custom kernel OVH uses in their provided Ubuntu. It doesn't allow us to run CouchDB. We were able to install from a vanilla Ubuntu ISO though and work around it.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

We're using OVH to host our Cassandra cluster and our website. The uptime is great and the performance of the boxes is solid.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
24 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Sujeet K.
"Melhor serviço de nuvem empresarial"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

As i am using ovh dedicated server till 2020. Ovh have advantage they have multiple country datacenter. So i can easily launch service as per choice country. i am using multiple sever in multiple country. OVh solve to find sever in diffrent country.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

ovh support service need some improvement they take more time to reply

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

Ovh have diffrent country datacenter so it solve my problem launch machine multiple country.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 05, 2023
Classificação geral:
Fred C. avatar
Fred C.
Gerente de Produto Chez Eloquant.Com
"Um hoster robusto e simples"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

The price is among the cheapest. The quality of the hosting The storage in France The options for SMS campaign ...

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

The interface is messy The support not really easy to find

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

I wanted a hoster in France

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
26 de março de 2022
Classificação geral:
Shubham J. avatar
Shubham J.
Engenheiro de dados do Google Cloud
"Melhor plataforma de computação em nuvem para salvar ataques DDOS"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Ovh cloud is the best security option to save users from DDoS attacks, OVH offers great value for money, along with very competitive prices. Average pageloading of ovh cloud is 10 Seconds approx and that is really fast.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

Customer service can sometimes be slow because they have to deal with requests. customer support doesn't offer assistance for applications

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

I used ovh cloud infrastructure and anti DDoS solution for my development project.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
17 de março de 2022
Classificação geral:
Swapnil R.
Gerente de TI
"Boa solução para nuvem"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Pricing & Technical Support. Even Deployment is also very smooth.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

The migration process was too lengthy. Even there is Physical to Virtual migration depending on Interenet. there is no such utility.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

Work from anywhere

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
23 de janeiro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Vipin P. avatar
Vipin P.
Risco, fraude e Kyc
"Revisão do serviço cloud OVH"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

Fast and secure services, good brand name, and customer service. Internet service.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

Not so vast presence. Like in the Indian market.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

Domain name hosting and internet solution. We got a good deal with them for services. Services offered are at par with other providers.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
05 Dezembro, 2021
Classificação geral:
Nicolas B.
Fundador e responsável
"Melhor Hospedagem Francesa"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

I really like OVHCloud for the quality of the services and the security, each of the options is very useful.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

Apart from the support which is really very slow everything is perfect.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

The OVH documentation is very useful and has lots of help

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
27 Novembro, 2021
Classificação geral:
Dan S. avatar
Dan S.
Designer gráfico e de marca freelancer
"OVH - Uma opção clara e direta às necessidades do seu site"
O que você mais gosta na OVHcloud?

The clearlyness of all the services provided, along with extremely competitive prices makes the entire OVH package a really strong option. Compared to other hosting/domain providers, OVH really stands out.

O que você não gosta na OVHcloud?

The overall customer service can be somewhat slow due to the amount of requests they must have but have always solved any kind of issue I had with my services and hosting.

Que problemas a OVHcloud está a resolver e como isso o beneficia?

As mentioned above, OVH allowed me to easily and promptly check and managed my hosting and domains, with a really clear UI, saving me plenty of time between changes and website updates.