O Neuroflash é uma plataforma exclusiva para copywriting que usa pesquisas psicológicas e neurocientíficas para entender e influenciar o comportamento do consumidor. Ele utiliza técnicas como gatilhos emocionais e persuasão subconsciente para criar mensagens de marketing altamente eficazes e envolventes.sages. Com o Neuroflash, as empresas podem aproveitar o poder da mente humana para gerar conversões e aumentar as vendas.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
desenvolvimento | Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web |
Suporte | 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana (representante ao vivo), bate-papo, e-mail/Help Desk, perguntas frequentes/fórum, base de conhecimento, suporte por telefone |
Formação | Documentação |
Idiomas | Inglês |
That you can write about everything. And your writing skills get better.
That you have only 2.00 words per month.
It helps me to find the write words.
The combination of different text styles. You can select from varius text examples. You can creat a personal touch in your articels.
It needs some time to really get used to all the possibilities.
The problem to be creative in so much fields. Especially for social media posts, websites and marketing articels. It safes time.
The originality and readability of content generated
Too short extensions and sometimes, similar repetitions
Article generation. Helps me create awesome content in no time.
The AI creates incredible texts. I was really surprised by the high quality results (as long as the input phrase is precise enough) . Its really useful for writting blog posts.
Its rather expensive when writing longer texts. Also, for more specific topics or more vague phrases the ai (obviously) has a hard time delivering good results.
It helps me writing blog posts easily.
Die Handhabung des Tools ist einfach und intuitiv. Man bekommt schnelle Ergebnisse und kann diese perfekt mit seinen eigenen Gedanken und Ideen anreichern. Das Tool gibt mir Performance Sicherheit
Gerade bei der ersten Headline Erstellung kann es vorkommen, dass die Headline noch nicht sehr gut passt. Mit dem weiteren Ausprobieren wird es dann aber immer besser.
Durch das Tool erhalte ich neue Ideen und erstelle auch mal völlig neue Headlines. Ob die Headline gut performen wird, zeigt mir das Tool an. Das gibt mir Sicherheit bei der weiteren Bearbeitung.
I like that you can have an usable text created in a few seconds. This was new to me. That's great!
In the test version, I could not save the tested texts. I just used up the free 2000 words without really getting any use out of it.
Little time can be solved quickly with that AI-program.
There is an option for almost anything you might want to write.
Because there are so many options, there is a bit of a learning curve, and you may have to try several to get the output you want.
It is definitely helping to improve my writing.