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Avaliações e detalhes do produto Ludwig

Visão geral de Ludwig
O que é Ludwig?

Ludwig é uma ferramenta de processamento de linguagem natural que ajuda os usuários a traduzir e escrever em diferentes idiomas. O ILudwig possui algoritmos avançados de aprendizado de máquina que fornecem traduções e sugestões altamente precisas. Os recursos exclusivos do Ludwig incluem sua interface intuitiva, dicionário abrangente e integração com ferramentas populares como Google Drive e Slack.

Sobre Ludwig SRL
Ano fundado 2012
Tamanho da empresa funcionários 2-10
Sede Bolzano, Tirol do Sul, Itália
Mídia social
Categorias Ludwig em Findstack
Logotipo Crevio
$ 29.00 / mês
Crevio é uma plataforma para criadores venderem produtos digitais, serviços, cursos e acesso a outros terceiros... Saiba mais sobre Crevio
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Detalhes do produto Ludwig
Negócio pequeno
mercado médio
desenvolvimento Nuvem / SaaS / baseado na Web, desktop Mac, desktop Windows, Android móvel, iPhone móvel
Formação Documentação
Idiomas Inglês
Recursos de Ludwig
Integração API
Preenchimento Automático
Citações Automatizadas
Extensão do navegador
Geração de ideias de conteúdo
Estruturação de conteúdo
Resumo de conteúdo
Dicionário de sinônimos contextual
Estilos de escrita personalizáveis
Privacidade e segurança de dados
Formatação de Documentos
Verificação gramatical e ortográfica
Tradução de Línguas
Suporte a Markdown
Mobile App
Suporte multilingue
Insights de escrita personalizados
Detecção de plágio
Correção de pontuação
Análise de legibilidade
Colaboração em tempo real
SEO Otimização
Reformulador de frases
Sugestões de estilo e tom
Sugestões de sinônimos
Biblioteca de Modelos
Texto a Voz
Detecção de Tom
Melhoria do vocabulário
Voz para texto
Ludwig Mídia
Luís 0
Luís 1
Luís 2
Luís 3
Capturas de tela
Aviso Legal
Nossa pesquisa é selecionada a partir de diversas fontes confiáveis ​​e tem como objetivo oferecer conselhos gerais. Não garantimos que nossas sugestões funcionarão melhor para cada caso de uso, portanto, considere suas necessidades exclusivas ao escolher produtos e serviços. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar seu retornos.
Última actualização: Fevereiro 12, 2025
Logo Ludwig
14 Ludwig Revisões
4.3 fora de 5
Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
27 de Outubro, 2023
Classificação geral:
Jaqui D.
"O atendimento ao cliente está vivo e bem. Obrigado, Ludwig! :~)"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

As far as the product I like the paraphrase feature. They provide several options which can improve the tone of communication. I would have preferred mentioning their Customer Service first. However, I am aware that shoppers of Ludwig are most interested in features typically.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I haven't found any downsides yet. Yaaay

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Grammar and tone are most important to me. In some instances, the paraphrase feature makes me more comfortable and confident in what I wrote and how I wrote it. This feature has given me more conviction in my writing style. I definitely wasn't expecting this pleasant surprise.

Mercado Médio (51-1000 emp.)
16 Novembro, 2022
Classificação geral:
Rina P. avatar
Rina P.
Copywriter Sênior
"É simplesmente perfeito!"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Seeing a bunch of credible references is always a huge relief! The context is the king in creative writing, obviously. And Ludwig Guru delivers that with perfection. I also LOVE their blog! Reading all the time, kudos to the writers. The interface is clean and neat. Everything is super easy and obvious. Also, in over a year of use -- not a single glitch, not even a minor one!

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

Technically speaking, can't complain about anything, at all! I was a bit reluctant to get an annual paid plan, but at this point? looks like i am going to extend it to the next year, heh-heh

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I write really A LOT, daily. Sometimes you get this feeling that you've invented a word or a phrase which does not exist in real language. I always check such things with Ludwig, their help is beyond measurable, especially when one overworks and/or works during late evenings/nights. I switched from Grammarly, and the difference is HUGE, tremendous, unmeasurable. Not a single stupid piece of advice now :)

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
13 de maio de 2020
Classificação geral:
Cristina V. avatar
Cristina V.
Linguista Líder de Varejo
"Ferramenta simples e abrangente. Ótima para verificar seus escritos em EN e procurar mais contexto."
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

"Find the right word" is my favorite function

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I dislike not having such a tool to improve my Italian writings

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I use Ludwig to check pronunciations, read definitions and see the terms in context

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
10 de setembro de 2019
Classificação geral:
Shaya Ray M.
Web designer
"Excelente para verificações de sentenças"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Ludwig helps me construct perfect sentences. I most love that it helps me find alternative ways I can construct great sentences and also offers alternative ways I could construct them. It is great since it broadens my writing creativity and opens up the window of dynamism and creativity in my writing. Also, ludwig can be used as a resourceful tool to translate texts into different languages.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I dislike that it performs one sentence check at a time which takes up a lot of time. Also, it depends entirely on a speedy network connection. Also, it has not been adopted multiplatform it is not on the mobile platform which is a bit of a drawback.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

When doing my weekly reports, ludwig comes in handy. It helps me stay relevant and takes away the boredom that comes with constructing sentences in the same way. It helps me sound smart and guarantees that I only submit my best work.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
25 de janeiro de 2019
Classificação geral:
Douglas G. avatar
Douglas G.
Pessoal De Investigação Na Área De Catálisis
"Uma maneira interessante de continuar aprendendo"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

It has different mini platforms in it making this software a fully integrated app to perfection your English writing and making richer your vocabulary day by day. Is truly dynamic and has a ludic sense and perspective of pedagogic learning process in it makes so fluid the process and it’s just so easy to use and manage that is one of the most trusty and kind apps to practice writing.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

No problem or complaint at all so far. It's one of my favorites, simple and handful apps.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Polishing my grammar, practicing my writing everyday and clarifying any doubt that could cross my mind while I write or translate articles for researching or mine to publish.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
22 de setembro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Rashmi Rekha B. avatar
Rashmi Rekha B.
Escritor freelancer
"Eu uso Ludwig durante a criação de conteúdo"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

It shows the usage of the phrases in sentences other than just showing the definition and synonyms of it.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I don't dislike anything about using this website in particular. It is a useful site.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

It sometimes acts as a teacher because sometimes there are complex sentences where I need to add conjunctions. Ludwig shows many sentences from which I can make longer sentences in those formats using conjunctions.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
28 de janeiro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Abid H.
Gerente de Vendas
"Muito útil para se destacar em inglês"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Ludwig is a utility that performs admirably on both desktop and mobile. The functions it provides are well enough to satisfy your needs as someone who wants to improve at English. By selecting just standard terms, I may avoid becoming too wordy and boring. It assists me in writing with confidence because it is so simple to conduct suitable word or sentence checks and see how well they fit into my writing.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

There are no severe dislikes I have for Ludwig. But there are points that the software could improve upon. The software, if possible, should have support for multiple languages other than English. You need to have a good internet connection to enjoy a smooth experience with Ludwig, but I think it should also work well for users who don't have a great internet connection through any types of optimizations.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I use it to write weekly reports for my college mainly; besides this, I also use it for other tasks.

Mercado Médio (51-1000 emp.)
13 fevereiro de 2019
Classificação geral:
Vicente Emílio R.
Asesor Comercial Especializado
"Minha mão direita com meu aprimoramento do inglês"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

With my really busy schedule with work, not only at office, at home as well finishing some projects and also the inspections is so hard most times to find a moment to keep practicing and improving my English skills, so with online tools like Ludwig everything became easier. It allows me to develop as much as I can every single day my English writing in a diverse and really pedagogic way, also it helps me tons with the expansion of my vocabulary. It's really interesting the way it helps in different ways with: search, translate, dictionary and wildcard examples.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I love everything about Ludwig cause is fun and is always there for me when I need it and when I'm free and that's something incredible.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

At work as an Engineer I need to write reports all the time and they need to be made in both languages Spanish and also English. I need to write a lot of them at the very moment as well, so I need to have the tools to do that and that's something I need to thank to my everyday work with this software.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
03 fevereiro de 2022
Classificação geral:
Dominique P.
Representante de Atendimento ao Cliente
"Ludwig me ajuda muito!"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

I like that I do not have to worry about making errors when i am sending an important email or anything like that because it is going to correct everything for me and give me the correct way to write the sentence.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I dislike that sometimes when I am trying to say something that I meant to be grammatically incorrect or if im saying a word that it does not recognize it always tries to auto correct it.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Problems that I am solving today is not having to proof read my work or emails or notes anymore ludwig does all of that for me which saves me time and therefore is saving me money.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
30 Agosto, 2019
Classificação geral:
Muthoni M.
Engenheiro de Telecomunicações
"Como não sou falante nativo de inglês, Ludwig me ajuda a enviar apenas meus melhores trabalhos"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Lugwig is a tool that is very easy to implement and set up. It is extremely user friendly with a excellent user interface and I love that it integrates very well with browser and can also work excellently as a stand alone tool. Ludwig helps me search my sentences and offers options in terms of other ways I could write the same sentence to bring about more impact or make it more correct. I also love that it offers the option of showing the user how the sentence would appear in other sentences for more understanding and also that it has added features to translate sentences from other languages to English.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

The only downside to using Ludwig is that it depends entirely on a fast and great internet connection without which it is not operational. To make the searches it is necessary that the user is connected to a good internet connection.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

As a non native English speaker Ludwig comes in handy in so many ways. It serves as a great tool to check for sentence construction correctness and even aids when I need help constructing sentences. It is very intuitive and addresses all the various questions I may be having including how that sentence would appear in a bigger sentence or paragraph to gauge its correctness. Another limitation is with the ads that are often very annoying to look at and greatly interfere with the user experience.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
14 de setembro de 2019
Classificação geral:
Mayana Wanjira S.
Blogger e comerciante da Internet
"Ludwig me ajuda a escrever com confiança"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Ludwig is a multiplatform tool that works so well both on desktop and on mobile as an app. It helps me write confidently because it's so easy to make a relevant word or sentence searches and see how well I can fit them into my sentences. It helps me avoid being repetitive and boring by using only common words, especially on the same document.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

The only downside to using Ludwig is the so many ads on the site that are quite disrupting and they interfere with my user experience. I would have rated it higher for an add-free experience.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Ludwig is great for people like myself who write a lot and care about their writing. It greatly adds confidence whenever I am writing and helps me to write and submit only my best work.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
17 Agosto, 2021
Classificação geral:
Verified Reviewer
"Melhore seu inglês com um mecanismo de busca"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

Ludwig is a search engine and more. I was curious at first but soon fell in love with it. Hard not to, as it's used by over 8 million people. I love that I can find paraphrases, definitions, and sources. it's also a helpful SEO tool for digital marketing.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

I have widescreen monitors and so the narrow UI in the middle is not ideal but easily overlooked upon further use. Mobile use is spot on with the user interface.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I research various keywords and phrases, as well as sources. I can use this data in my search engine marketing plans to better prepare for voice search.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
30 de janeiro de 2018
Classificação geral:
Verified Reviewer
"Fácil de usar e salva vidas"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

This program has saved me plenty of times when I was a writer. Sometimes I had many customers and this does things that Google Translate cannot do sometimes for translating some words for non-native English speakers. The results of your queries seem to flow more naturally versus having a direct English to whatever language translation that may not sound right in another person's native language.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

As time goes and they improve the interface, I know that it'll be a more intuitive piece of software. Sometimes the interface confused my clients but for me, it seemed just fine. For my foreign customers, the fact it only support English for the most part is a downfall.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I worked with a lot of people who weren't native English speakers. I would write papers for their social media networks and having Ludwig assist me with that makes their experience so much more rewarding. For others, it helped freshen my ideas so I wasn't so repetitive with my writings.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
12 de setembro de 2019
Classificação geral:
Verified Reviewer
"Capacidades de pesquisa limitadas, mau atendimento ao cliente"
O que você mais gosta em Ludwig?

50-60% of the time, sentence suggestions were helpful.

O que você não gosta em Ludwig?

Sentence suggestions were often not helpful. I tried the premium service and found the customer service lacking when I encountered issues.

Que problemas Ludwig está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I have since cancelled the service, as I did not find it helpful for my writing workflow.