KeyCDN é uma rede de entrega de conteúdo simples, rápida e confiável. A plataforma é conhecida por seus mais de 25 POPs estrategicamente localizados em todo o mundo. O KeyCDN também oferece o preço mais baixo de US$ 0.04/GB (todas as regiões) e segue uma estrutura de preços pré-pago, que o torna a plataforma preferida de muitas pequenas e médias empresas. Os principais recursos adicionais incluem suporte a HTTP/2, SSL gratuito, purga instantânea, uma API RESTful, análise em tempo real, autenticação de dois fatores e várias integrações de CMS.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
desenvolvimento | Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web |
Suporte | 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana (representante ao vivo), bate-papo, e-mail/Help Desk, perguntas frequentes/fórum, base de conhecimento, suporte por telefone |
Formação | Documentação |
Idiomas | Inglês |
Features like the included "block bad bots" filter function, linking protection, Let's Encrypt integration and much more are very easy to handle and all are available at no additional costs.
I couldn't map top-level-domains like "", only subdomains are possible for linking.
We are hosting a public download server with some additional features and so we only need a small set of features. For the same feature set we have at keycdn, we would have to use at least 2 AWS services at higher costs.
Pay as you go pricing feature. This can really help with small businesses in their initial phases. Free custom SSL. Slick interface, Real-time stats and logs, excellent (and fast) support.
I found the documentation a little hard to follow. It's well written but seems to breeze over steps that are not obvious to the fist-timer on the platform
Speeding up content for worldwide visitors.
HTTP2, SSL, the wordpress plugin. Great support Ease of deployment Good interface Best pricing
The purchased Credits expire after 1 year
Fast website that improves user experience
It works as described and the support staff are quick to reply with helpful answers.
Their "roll-over" policy is not clear when you sign up. I would have given KeyCDN a 10 had they been more forthright about the rule upon signing up (although they do mention it in their FAQ section).
I use a CDN to optimize WordPress websites.
They have a low prices and easy configuration
Mminimum amount for the credits too high :( Maybe it could be useful pay renew based on credits used in the past year
Emprove performance of website based on shared server.
Setup was easy and straightforward with sane defaults. All the needed knobs and bells and whistles are there and documentation helps with setup question such as integration or fine tuning the cache bahaviour.
They understand themselves to be "self-service" so you'll get less hand holding from support than from other providers.
CDN in use on our pages.
I like that the interface is really fast and easy to use. You have a lot of options when creating
Credits expire in a year if you don't use them. I wish they could either last forever or last for two years.
My javascript, CSS, and image files load faster and now my server is under less stress.
- Easy integration into both custom projects and existing CMS software - Custom sub-domain via CNAME records - Let's Encrypt SSL support - Easy CDN purging tools - Simple dashboard interface
- Minimum credit purchase requirement.
KeyCDN is a great and simple solution to decreasing page load times around the world.
As far as I know, they're one of the cheapest CDNs out there. Their service does the trick, specially if the project you need it for has a tight budget. They now also provide free SSL certificates with an easy integration powered by the Let's Encrypt project, which is a nice feature.
Unlike other competitors, they don't run their own anycasted network or own any hardware. Instead they just rely on DNS to pick the nearest point of presence based on IP geolocation, which is quite often inaccurate. Amazon CloudFront for example makes use of both technologies, which in my humble opinion is the best technical approach.
Our customer needed a cheap CDN for a video content website funded by advertising. Since they don't have end-users paying for the service, their CDN fits both their budget and expected user experience.
Good speed and affordable service. Very good
the expiry dates of the credit 1 year. which they dont really tell you when you initially top up.
speedier website
I've found this a pretty good product and was using it for some products, especially their usage based pricing model seemed to be exactly what I was looking for.
There is a hidden clause that credits do expire - In my case a significant amount of credits did expire and as I did have a credit card on file, which they immediately charged with a significant amount of new credits, immediately after the old ones expired. I know I should have read their terms better, but even though I contacted them the day the charged my credit card they were absolutely unhelpful in resolving this matter. Even though none of the newly charged credits have been used so far. So now they do have some money from me again, which is set to expire ... I sincerely regret having recommended this company to friends before ...
The free SSL is great