O ChatGPT é uma ferramenta líder de comunicação de IA que é executada em processamento de linguagem avançado para gerar texto semelhante ao humano com base em uma determinada entrada. O ChatGPT oferece uma ampla variedade de aplicativos e casos de uso e é notável por sua capacidade de ajudar a aumentar a eficiência e a produtividade.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
desenvolvimento | Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web |
Suporte | Base de Conhecimento |
Formação | Documentação |
Idiomas | Inglês |
Lo increíble de ChatGPT es que puede responder a casi cualquier pregunta y puedes mantener una conversación para ponerle en contexto y obtener mejores respuestas.
En la versión gratuitas a veces no funciona del todo bien, va demasiado lento.
Me ha ayudado a crear textos para páginas web y me ha ayudado a programar unos scripts en Python sin saber nada de ese lenguaje.
I love that ChatGPT, it is very helpful in aiding humans with writing. ChatGPT is very versatile as you can use it to write in a wide variety of writing styles/techniques.
Sometimes ChatGPT can repeat phrases when giving it the same prompt themes/topics, make sure to change the prompt ideas, in order to generate more unique content, also ChatGPT can mispells words sometimes. Make sure to review the text before applying it to your content.
To me chatGPT solves my writing needs when I can not think about what to write or how to write it succesfully. ChatGPT writes for me eficiently and exceeding my expectations. It gives me solutions for my social media posts, articles and more.
The main thing I like about chatGPT is that when I aprovide a question it gives a simple answer within seconds.It's very convenient to use.It also considers previous chat to give best answer.
There nothing i dislike about chatGPT.I think i t is better than google because if I post a query in Google it provides multiple answers but chatGPT gives the optimal answer out of all possible answers.
I am basically a slow learner.with the help of chatGPT I have learnt a lot of things in less time.If i am not satisfied with the given answer it provides another response so that I can understand better
ChatGpt is very helpful in both personal and business life. It is very easy to use and it can give answers to almost every question. A great resource for problem-solving scenarios for everyday work. I also appreciate how knowledgeable it is about various writing etiquette. It enables me to learn what can be anticipated from that certain writing style and help me improve in so many ways.
Although there are no serious problems, it may take a while to get an answer at first because of the large number of people using it from students to professionals. Overall, it's a revolutionary AI tool for everyone, but particularly for technical people.
The best way it helps is by currently giving me ideas to improve my Excel work; I get several formulas, and all problems are handled. Also, it provides additional options that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. So this gives my work a lot of professionalism.
We're using GhatGPT to build out our blog content as we're working to make our site go fully functional and live. The easy to use prompt-based system makes it a breeze to build out content plans, and write the content (with minimal revisions) in minutes.
ChatGPT is learning and growing, so it's hard to say that there is something I dislike. I'd like to see the availability to jump into content that is relevant after 2021, though.
We need help building our blog pages, and ChatGPT is giving us the content outlines and copy for blogs as we go! We use ChatGPT daily to help give us more direction.
I really like the fact that ChatGPT is well-versed in different types of writing styles. It allows me to gain an understanding of what is expected from that particular writing style.
You have to be careful with using ChatGPT, as it is not always accurate. This adds a second step of verifying the information that we get from ChatGPT and sometimes the sources provided by it are inaccurate.
It is helping me in my writing assignments that require long hours of research. ChatGPT reduces the overall time I take for an assignment and my quality of work has gotten better.
It is really helpful platform for every industry people. For me it is very helpful and create my job description very fast and in appropriate manner really like this platform
As such i dont have anything to dislike about chat gtp, its very useful in terms of my recruitment job
it helps me write my job ads, give me ideas on how to write the ads and how to grow my report in the market
- can search up literally any topic in the world and have answers to your questions in less than a minute - easy setup with email - free to use - student and professional friendly - answers are precise and to the point; more concise than google search in that way
- content is not original and is detected via plagiarism checkers like turn-it-in - content is not constant; the same question framed differently will result in different answers - not all answers to the questions are accurate, and the database isn't fully updated with all the information
- fast, precise answers are provided - easily available in a different language - saves time from internet searches
It's pretty easy to use, and its ability to generate text is great.
It takes some learning to figure out how to give it useful prompts
As an author and content creator, I need ideas to kickstart my writing. ChatGPT is excellent in providing ideas and pathways to complete my writing projects.
Confiável, a linguagem é perfeitamente humana
Podia ter a opção de escolher a forma como responde algumas perguntas. Por exemplo, se pergunto como tal coisa pode ajudar no meu trabalho, o chatgpt sempre mostra uma lista de opções. Podia ter outras formas como 1. Descritiva 2. Exemplos 3. Outras
Very useful when I need tô say something and I don't have the exact words.
It helps in writing anything you want whether is it an essay to programming code. It does all. As though it offers paid subscription still it is giving answers to free version usage people also
It is very helpful but some time it takes a lot of time to answer due server load. It is not updated to current time it's knowledge is limited to 2021 . Updating the app yo latest will be a big imporvement
It helps in many problems such as It helps me to code my projects effectively and efficiently,It is solving products in the my assignments and it helping a lot. It is one of the best.
Chatgpt is a conversation AI model, can generate an appropriate response even if the input is not the complete question or a sentence. Chatgpt explains complex subjects. U can create marketing plan strategies nd develop apps nd can learn nd find accurate answers about everything. Really it's amazing that u find everything( solutions)at a single place.
Their is no major issues bt initially something it take some to give answers, may be due to over crowds. Overall it's a life changing AI tool for every person specially for technical person.
Initially I am using chatgpt for finding solutions of normal study questions Bt now it's helps me in excel work ,I get many formula, nd I ask direct questions (asked by the client) nd all problems are solved. Really it's tremendous AI tool .
Being an AI language model, ChatGPT excels at quickly and accurately responding to various queries on a wide range of topics, assisting users in gaining knowledge and finding solutions to issues promptly and effectively.
The inability of ChatGPT to comprehend complex or nuanced inquiries or to offer tailored solutions may be its least beneficial feature. Being an AI model, it can also lack emotional intelligence and empathy, which are crucial in some situations. If the model is not adequately trained or supervised, there is also a risk of bias or inaccurate information.
ChatGPT is resolving the issue of constrained access to technical information and skills by giving computer engineering students prompt and precise responses to their queries. This helps students learn more quickly, keep current on new information, and improve their problem-solving abilities.
Among the several AI models I have seen, ChatGPT is more advanced than any of them. It gives perfect answers in vocabulary and programming aspects. I have been using it since its release in November. I have been able to get quicker answers from ChatGPT than I get surfing the internet.
One major thing is that it can't solve maths, as I have tried it only to get different answers every time. Another thing is that it has become slow since its release because too many people use it, making the traffic high for servers to manage.
By using ChatGPT, I can get answers faster, and I mainly use it to debug my code or to learn something new. My productivity has increased since then from taking time to find solutions by asking ChatGPT for correct answer and explanations quickly and easily.
Learning new lingo, prompt phrasing, and testing.
When it is harder to determine if the solution provided is accurate or not. The average user won't encounter this.
Helping me to learn very advanced concepts much quicker than I otherwise would by breaking things down and showing me how to do them.
I really appreciate the precise answers given by the AI bot within fraction of seconds .This purely contributes to the development of the society and i strongly recommend everyone to use ChatGPT to find precise answers.
There is no point in disliking this special feature as the way it analyzes and gives answers to be precise is truely appreciated and i hope no user will ever dislike this feature.
ChatGPT is an amazing tool to find out any kind of answers or solutions existing in this world .The way it delivers answers with atmost precise and grammatical sentances are truely inspiring
when i am searching something in chatgpt the result show very and show step by step.so this is best
nothings. there are some issues when you searching then check login
i am working a project , there are some issue ,then i search here and result is which i want.then my problem is solving.
Here i am searching how to create a project in jdeveloper. Then there are show results in strp by step this is helpful for me.
Nothing to say about this. This is now develping . Some problem when you open then first logged in
I am not create a project in Oracle jdeveloper . then i search here and search result is very lightweight and showing step by step. Then i create a project.
It uses my voice to write anything from an email to a blog. The tweaks available seem to be endless. It can be written as humorous, pointed, thought provoking, challenging, inquiring, sad, worried, etc. I am often surprised by the output and am forced to look at my initial thoughts and ideas in a new way.
Often it is at total capacity, and I have to wait:15-:30 to gain access to the platform. There is a slight learning curve for achieving the best output for your needs, but endless YouTube tutorial videos exist.
It is time-saving! I no longer sit before a blank Google Doc with simply a title entered. Now, I type in my title, and wonderful magical words appear, saying the workds my brain was struggling to form.
When your usual chatbot is far more intelligent than you. The best part is it's completely free, and you can ask countless questions.
No downsides yet. But the fear is that it shouldn't start charging for the services to the public or the number of usages, or rather a limit shouldn't be set.
The service is free, and we can get valuable and relevant answers to our unending questions . It appears to be an alternative to Google search and has much-improved interpretability.