Melhor desfoque de fundo da pilha
Logotipo Better Stack
Better Stack
Previna, localize e resolva o tempo de inatividade.
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Findstack é gratuito para os usuários porque os fornecedores nos pagam quando recebem tráfego na web e oportunidades de vendas. Findstack os diretórios listam todos os fornecedores - não apenas aqueles que nos pagam para que você possa tomar a decisão de compra mais bem informada possível.
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Avaliações e detalhes do produto Better Stack

Visão geral da melhor pilha
O que é melhor pilha?

O Better Stack permite que você veja dentro de qualquer pilha, depure qualquer problema e resolva qualquer incidente. Visualize toda a sua pilha, agregue todos os seus logs em dados estruturados e consulte tudo como um único banco de dados com SQL. Monitore tudo, de sites a servidores. Agende rotações de plantão, obtenha alertas acionáveis ​​e resolva incidentes mais rápido do que nunca. Feito para se adequar ao seu fluxo de trabalho com mais de 100 integrações.

Sobre Melhor pilha, Inc.
Ano fundado 2021
Tamanho da empresa funcionários 11-50
Sede São Francisco, Califórnia, Estados Unidos
Mídia social
Gerenciado por:
Axel Grubba
Logotipo Crevio
$ 29.00 / mês
Crevio é uma plataforma para criadores venderem produtos digitais, serviços, cursos e acesso a outros terceiros... Saiba mais sobre Crevio
Faça perguntas sobre o Better Stack
Para que serve o Better Stack?
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Quais são os prós e os contras do Better Stack?
Detalhes do produto Better Stack
Negócio pequeno
mercado médio
desenvolvimento Nuvem / SaaS / Baseado na Web
Formação Documentação
Idiomas Inglês
Prêmios Better Stack
Findstack Distintivo Geral 2024
Melhores recursos de pilha
Monitoramento de API
Detecção de alteração de conteúdo
Scripts personalizados
Alertas personalizáveis
Painéis personalizáveis
Monitoramento de DNS
Rastreamento de Erro
Monitoramento Geográfico
Dados Históricos
Gerenciamento de Incidentes
Integração com ferramentas de terceiros
Teste de carga
Monitoramento de registro
Monitoramento de sites móveis
Monitoramento em vários locais
Transações em várias etapas
Análise de velocidade da página
Benchmarks de desempenho
Monitoramento de desempenho
Alertas em tempo real
Relatório e análise
Análise de causa raiz
Monitoramento de SEO
Monitoramento SSL
Monitorização de servidores
Página de status
Monitoramento de Transações Sintéticas
Monitoramento de tempo de atividade
Monitoramento da experiência do usuário
Verificações de integridade do site
Melhor pilha de mídia
Melhor pilha 0
Melhores capturas de tela da pilha
Aviso Legal
Nossa pesquisa é selecionada a partir de diversas fontes confiáveis ​​e tem como objetivo oferecer conselhos gerais. Não garantimos que nossas sugestões funcionarão melhor para cada caso de uso, portanto, considere suas necessidades exclusivas ao escolher produtos e serviços. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar seu retornos.
Última actualização: janeiro 18, 2025
Logotipo Better Stack
166 Better Stack Revisões
4.8 fora de 5
Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
22 de setembro de 2021
Classificação geral:
Daniel G.
"Recursos fantásticos por um valor fantástico"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

We use Better Uptime across a few accounts and clients. It's helped us keep on top of our infrastrutcutre and has allowed our partners to notify us of issues and ensure platform transparency.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

We have none - I hope they continue to support and enhance Better Uptime with many more features in the future.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Clients tend to like to know how their services are performing - especially SMBs. Better Uptime allows us to create custom status pages for them to ensure peace of mind. For our enterprise-level clients, we've enhanced the method of communicating issues and planned maintenance to ensure we meet SLAs. We have received positive feedback from project managers and developers about how effective and easy it has been to be kept in the loop.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
12 Agosto, 2021
Classificação geral:
René A.
Web Designer e Designer Gráfico
"Poderoso, fácil de configurar e usar. Página de status bonita."
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

I like how easy it is to set up and start using, and it takes only a few minutes to get up and running per website. Status pages look very professional with my company logo, and they are easy to understand for my clients. When using status pages, my clients can subscribe to the uptime monitor and get notifications when the website is down and back online again, which is great.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Nothing, but I would love to see integration with MainWP.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I can monitor all my own and client's websites. This is a great way to see how well or bad different hosting companies perform, and I have already moved several websites away from bad hosting. It is very easy to convince clients to move to another hosting company, when I can show uptime statistics for the past 30 - 365 days.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
06 Agosto, 2021
Classificação geral:
Ivan A. avatar
ivan a.
Proprietário e CEO
"Esta é uma das ferramentas em que confio no meu trabalho diário e na qual juro"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

1. Voice notifications — nothing beats a ringing phone that one has to pick up and press a button to acknowledge an alert. Much more difficult to overlook than an SMS or a push alert. 2. Heartbeats — the possibilities to use this feature to control various processes that need to execute on a schedule are huge.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

After 9 months of use I really don't have anything to dislike about this product. If I have to be really, really picky — perhaps their mobile app is a bit of a letdown as it doesn't replicate the full functionality of the web dashboard but redirects towards it (for example, to see the details of an alert). Because I have 2FA enabled on my account, there are several additional operations that I need to perform to see what happened during an alert.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

BU helps me keep track of my website uptime and holds me honest towards 3rd parties who are using — or consider using — my hosting services. Also, the Heartbeat feature allows me to be sure that my servers perform as they should and that backups are made regularly.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 23, 2021
Classificação geral:
Ben A.
"A Better Uptime fez um excelente trabalho monitorando todos os sites que gerencio!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

The content monitor is great to check that the site is always still displaying the text it's supposed to. Had it been defaced it would most likely be missing. :)

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Nothing I can think of off the top of my head..

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I rely on it to always check that the sites I manage are online and working so I know before my customers know if something is not working correctly.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Julho 02, 2021
Classificação geral:
Saurabh S.
Parceiro Designado
"Apenas uma palavra Fantástico!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

This is one of the coolest tools on our stack! Definitely, a most needed tool to keep track of uptime, incidents, and real-time alerts. Realtime and multi-location monitoring make to avoid any kind of false-positive alerts. The phone call-based alerts make our incident escalation process faster. The BetterUptime not just monitors the server uptime but also specific ports, SSL expiry, domain expiry, website content changes, and it makes it another level of product. Betteruptime makes life easier!

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Just wish to have some comprehensive mobile application with detailed alerts overview. Other than that so far, so good! We haven't deployed for our complete infrastructure yet! But it performs best on whatever we have added till now. So, no complaints! No dislikes!

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Uptime monitoring and alerts. Monitoring our client sites, SSL and domain name. The call based incedent alerts making this a really out of the box application. This enables us to faster escalation for all any downtimes or errors within the system.

Mercado Médio (51-1000 emp.)
Julho 01, 2021
Classificação geral:
Arman M. avatar
Arman M.
Especialista em automação de vendas internas sênior
"Excelente alternativa ao Uptime Robot - Definitivamente recomendado"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

- The UX and UI are modern, clean, and easy to navigate. - Monitoring API access. Webhooks. - Great range of integration, in particular: the import data option & infrastructure monitoring (Zabbix, New Relic, Datadog, Grafana, Azure, ...) - 30s checks, insane value - phone & email alerts

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Honestly, nothing. I got few false positives but easy to track down. Great service.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Checking uptime and be sure to never miss an incident. Mission accomplished here with Better Uptime.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
Junho 10, 2021
Classificação geral:
Avatar de John El
João E.L.
"Você nunca se arrependerá de ter adquirido o BetterUptime. 100% AAA"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

It works 100% of the time. Sites go down, I know immediately. On desired URL's, I get a phone call. Weekly reports let me know how my clients were handled and I highly recommend the app. I've tried many, none are better!!!

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

All works perfectly. I have no recommendations. BetterUptime is a solid performer.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?


Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
18 de maio de 2021
Classificação geral:
Selçuk. avatar
Fundador e responsável
"Não apenas melhor, é o melhor!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Better uptime is one of the most popular monitoring software also has many features like jit incident tracking, heartbeat, lots of integrations and more...

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Not just yet, couldn't find any of dislike in it

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Me and my team tracks whole operations with less incidents

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
14 de maio de 2021
Classificação geral:
Jordy B. avatar
Jordy B.
"Produto incrível"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

The accuracy of notifications when some of my servers or services are down.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

No possibility for other languages then English for the status pages

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

I know it almost immediately when a client their website or server is down.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
04 de maio de 2021
Classificação geral:
David N. avatar
David N.
Engenheiro de Sistemas
"Notificações de discórdia? Sim!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Better Uptime provides a very well put-together interface to add monitors and alarms for services running at home, in the cloud, or elsewhere. I've been using it for about 6 months and it's been highly reliable and notifying me that my things are down, and when they come back up. It's been a game changer and keeping my SLAs.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

This product is great! The only problem I've run into is that webhooks aren't free. If you're using this product to "make money" then that's probably not a big deal. I use it for free open source software and services, so I didn't want to pay (sorry, I'm a bit cheap). The company was nice enough to give me webhooks for free when I asked for them. I couldn't have asked for more, and that feature being enabled has allowed me to maintain SLAs on my (also free) services. I connected Better Uptime to so I can get custom notifications in Discord. It works beautifully.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Better Uptimes tells me very quickly when my services are down. It allows me to react and correct the problems before my users notice.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
29 de abril, 2021
Classificação geral:
Jack A. avatar
Jack A.
operador de drone
"Ótimo monitor de site!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Not provided

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Not provided

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Not provided

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
16 de abril, 2021
Classificação geral:
Fredy P. avatar
Fredy P.
Co fundador
"Ótimo monitor para sites"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

It's easy to implement, even for someone with no programming background. The user interface is great as well and simple to navigate. The notifications are customizable, so we can decide how often and through what medium we get contacted when something goes wrong with our site. The free tier is excellent; due to our basic needs, we stayed in it.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Nothing really, as stated previously, our needs are basic and better uptime covers all of them with flying colors!

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Just checking if our website is down due to hosting issues. So far it has notified of all of the incidents.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
18 de março de 2021
Classificação geral:
Pedro N.
Pesquisador de Engenharia de Software
"Ótimo produto"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Status pages are very easy to set up and even the default design is better than anything I have used before. I also appreciate the custom CSS and HTML you can add to make it your own.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

The ping and port monitoring is not very useful for me and can be more distinguished from regular uptime monitoring.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Communicating status of several of my project sites. And basic alerting about downtime or incidents.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
10 Dezembro, 2020
Classificação geral:
Tomás H.
"O melhor serviço Uptime que experimentei!"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Setting everything from monitors and contact methods to status pages is a breeze and way waay better than anything else I have tried before. A big PRO for me is the built-in calendar schedule. I can now see who is on call easily and manage how different incidents are dealt with, amazing to have this inside a monitoring tool.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Nothing I can think of. From UI to functionality everything just works.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

BetterUptime is the best monitoring/incident management software out there, hands down. Before switching, I was using two other monitoring tools, and none of them doesn't even come close to BetterUptime. BU is simple to set up, with excellent response times and flexible contact methods. Oh, and they have really sleek status pages included with set up taking less than 3 minutes.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
01 fevereiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Ahmad H. avatar
Ahmed H.
"Um dos melhores serviços de verificação de saúde"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

- Status Page like ( - Statstics - Notifications - Ease of Use - Downtime History - Free plan

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

- Mobile push notifications is NOT included in the free plan

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Downtime History & Website Health Check

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
27 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Kalev K. avatar
Kalev K.
Arquiteto de Infraestrutura e Segurança
"Ótimo conjunto de ferramentas"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Easy to use, visually nice, functional uptime monitoring.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

Monitoring logic is not well suited hobby projects, for example monitoring is not automatically resumed, if service recovers but incident is not manually Acknowledged.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Service availability

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
26 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Megami T.
"Better Stack é o melhor entre todos os monitoramentos de status"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Better Stack was an absolute pleasure to have during Astralmod's goal of minimizing downtime. Better Stack allowed us to reduce our downtime to an absolute minimum, and the implementation was astonishingly simple and straightforward. Thanks to Better Stack's heartbeat system, we were able to implement automated monitoring into all of our applications within minutes, and notify our team if something went south. The Better Stack status page is also amazing, our users can view the real time status of our services and view maintenance. What's amazing is that we were able to connect our domain without needing to upgrade our plan, unlike competitors. Overall, Better Stack is an absolute must-have for teams of any size, the implementation is incredibly straightforward and the pricing is also very pleasant.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

We are still yet to run into major issues with Better Stack, as most features are incredibly customizable. The only thing that might be appreciatable for teams of smaller size is simpler customization of the status page. Although the status page looks amazing out of the box, I imagine that some use cases would appreciate simple customization, such as changing colors. Although this is possible using the custom CSS feature that Better Stack provides, this may be slightly difficult to work with for smaller teams, and a simple editor could strongly benefit them.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Better Stack is helping us keep our downtime to a minimum, which is strongly appreciated by our users who can use our services at any time, view maintenance using the innovative status page Better Stack provides, and get real time updates on any mishaps that could happen within our infrastructure.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
04 de janeiro de 2024
Classificação geral:
Vinayak I.
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

It's on-call feature that allows us to easily change who is on call and who'll resolve the issues.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

the logs feature can be a lot better and if mutliple mointers fail then they can be merged in one single call.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Highly benefecial in maintaining our SLA of 99.9%

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
24 Novembro, 2023
Classificação geral:
Wesley V.
"Better Stack nos ajuda a assumir uma postura mais pró-ativa em relação aos nossos clientes"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

Better Stack enables us to take a more pro-active stance towards our customers every day of our work. We receive alerts about downtime instantanously, ensuring that we can swiftly respond to any issues that our customer experiences. The status page enable us to get a good overview of a specific set of monitors, and we can share them (if we wish) with our customers as well. The on-call system can text or call us, or send updates to Slack, when there is an issue.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

There is not really a lot that we dislike about Better Stack. If I had to mention a few "nice to haves" that we'd like to see in the future, it's UI/IX improvements in the admin panel, more support for customization on status pages (mostly in regard to how it looks), whitelabelling, etc. Having said that, the support team is *very* receptible to feedback and many of the features I've suggested or requested have been implemented since.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Better Stack allows us to pro-actively respond to incidents, downtime and/or slowness.

Pequenas empresas (50 funcionários ou menos)
13 Novembro, 2023
Classificação geral:
Miike P.
"Uma solução de monitoramento de rede fácil de usar e altamente eficiente com excelente suporte"
O que você mais gosta no Better Stack?

BetterUptime from Better Stack has been a game-changer for me. I've found it to be incredibly user-friendly, making it a breeze to use regularly. What's even more impressive is how easy it was to get it up and running. The implementation process was straightforward, and I was able to integrate it into my network without any headaches. One of the standout features of Better Uptime is its exceptional customer support. They're always quick to respond and extremely helpful in resolving any issues that come up. I use Better Uptime frequently to keep a centralized eye on my entire network. It's become an essential tool for me, ensuring that I'm always aware of the status of my network. Plus, it's fantastic for keeping my users informed about the network's status and any planned maintenance or similar events. And something that I really like is the ability to receive calls and SMS alerts during issues. It's a relief to know that if something goes wrong, I'll be notified immediately, allowing me to address problems before they escalate.

O que você não gosta no Better Stack?

While my experience with Better Uptime from Better Stack has been very positive, it's worth noting that the lack of integrated server monitoring might be a downside for some. Better Uptime relies on integrating with standard industry tools for this feature. This hasn't been an issue for me, but it could matter to those who prefer an all-in-one solution.

Que problemas o Better Stack está resolvendo e como isso está beneficiando você?

Centralized Network Monitoring: It provides a unified platform for monitoring the entire network. This centralization makes it easier to oversee network status and quickly identify issues, streamlining the monitoring process. Rapid Incident Notification: The platform's feature of sending calls and SMS alerts for issues ensures prompt notifications. This immediate awareness allows for quicker response to problems, minimizing potential downtime and disruptions. Ease of Use and Implementation: The user-friendly interface and straightforward implementation process make it accessible even for those who might not be highly technical. This ease of use ensures a smoother integration into existing systems.

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